Weather Information

The following are a few descriptions for the parameters displayed on this website. Hover your mouse or finger on the item for a tooltip description of each parameter.

Parameters Description
Humidex The scale describing how hot and humid weather feels to the average person. The humidex combines the temperature and humidity into one number to reflect the perceived temperature. Some people are uncomfortable when the humidex is 30°C and most people are uncomfortable when the humidex is above 40°C or 45°C.
Dew Point The temperature at which the air, when cooled, becomes saturated and the water vapour in the air condenses into water droplets or, if the temperature is cold enough, into ice crystals.
Relative Humidity The relative humidity is the ratio of water vapour which is actually in the air to the maximum amount of water vapour which could exist in the air at that temperature. The ratio is usually expressed as a percentage.
Wind Chill Chill that results from a specific combination of wind speed and air temperature. If the wind speed is low enough, the wind chill will be the same as the air temperature.

Webcam Information

A picture of Edmonton provided by Campbell Scientific

Current view from H.M. Tory Building, University Campus

The University of Alberta's Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences also maintains a weather station that monitors conditions on campus 24/7 and is intended for research and teaching. The connected dataloggers run Campbell Scientific's LoggerNet software and the weather data is updated hourly.

This webcam image is provided courtesy of Campbell Scientific Canada.

Alternative Energy Technology Program Information

These weather stations and this website are managed by NAIT's Alternative Energy Technology Program.

NAIT's Alternative Energy Technology Program students gain a balanced understanding of the economic, social, and environmental factors required for industry to leverage and drive Alberta's sustainable economic growth in environmentally responsible ways. Find out more About the Program.

Station Information

The following instruments are used for our weather measurements:

  • D Building
    • CR1000 Campbell Scientific Datalogger
    • HC-S3-XT Rotronic Temperature/RH Probe
    • 05103-10 RM Young Wind Monitor
    • 61302V RM Young Barometric Pressure Sensor
    • CMP3 Kipp & Zonen Pyranometer
    • 52202 RM Young Heated Tipping Bucket Rain Gauge
  • X Wing
    • CR3000 Campbell Scientific Datalogger
    • CMP3 Kipp & Zonen Pyranometer
    • 020C Met One Wind Vane
    • Met One Anemometer
  • C Building
    • CR206X Campbell Scientific Datalogger
    • 05103-10M RM Young Wind Monitor

Our stations take measurements on 5-minute, hourly, or daily intervals - depending on the parameter. Measurements are collected by the dataloggers and then processed to be displayed on this website.

These stations are regularly maintained and used by NAIT's Alternative Energy Technology Program to teach students about sustainable and renewable energy.